USPAS spring 2023
Revision as of 17:25, 9 January 2023 by VladimirLitvinenko (Talk | contribs)
Class meet time and dates | Instructors |
Lectures 1,2 and 4 will be taught remotely - Instructor will be at Conferences
Course Overview
This graduate level course focuses on the fundamental physics and explored in depth advanced concepts of modern particle accelerators and theoretical concept related to them.
Course Content
- Principle of least actions, relativistic mechanics and E&D, 4D notations
- N-dimensional phase space, Canonical transformations, symplecticity and invariants of motion
- Relativistic beams, Reference orbit and Accelerator Hamiltonian
- Parameterization of linear motion in accelerators, Transport matrices, matrix functions, Sylvester's formula, stability of the motion
- Invariants of motion, Canonical transforms to the action and phase variables, emittance of the beam, perturbation methods. Poincare diagrams
- Standard problems in accelerators: closed orbit, excitation of oscillations, radiation damping and quantum excitation, natural emittance
- Non-linear effects, Lie algebras and symplectic maps
- Vlasov and Fokker-Plank equations, collective instabilities & Landau Damping
- Spin motion in accelerators
- Types and Components of Accelerators