PHY420 fall 2017
- Instuctor: Prof. Navid Vafaei-Najafabadi
- Office: D101
- Class Meeting Times: MW, 4:00-5:20 PM
- Location:
[hide]Course Overview
This course will introduce students to the field of accelerator science and technology, a very versatile branch of physics and technology. This course is composed of the following parts: introduction of accelerator history and their basic principles, basic beam dynamics in synchrotrons, introduction of challenges in Accelerator physics, and introduction of typical beam measurements and instrumentations.
Course Content
- Particle motion in electromagnetic field - Maxwell eqn/relativity review (1 week)
- A brief history of accelerators
- Longitudinal motion in accelerators
- Transverse motion in accelerators
- Transverse nonlinear and coupled motion
- Beam instabilities
- Emittance preservation
- Synchrotron radiation
- (Special Topic): Beam measurement and diagnostics
- (Special Topic): Introduction to plasma wakefield acceleration
Approximate timeline: the first four topics are foundational and are expected to take six weeks. We will spend roughly five weeks on topics 5-8, which cover the finer points of accelerators, and only the major features will be covered at a high level. Topics 9 and 10 will be covered in two weeks (one week each) and one week will be allocated to class presentations (see below).
Learning Goals
Upon completing this course, students will be able to
- Define the basic terminology and analyze the principles of particle acceleration
- Solve problems of linear beam dynamics in longitudinal and transverse dimensions
- Identify the sources of nonlinear beam dynamics, interpret the consequences, and explain
the strategies for mitigation of their effects
- Describe the instabilities that result from collective particle dynamics and describe the
consequence of these effects for a particle accelerator
- Explain the operation principles of primary beam instrumentation and measurement
Recommended and Required Texts
- Required Text:
- An Introduction of Accelerator Physics for High Energy, Edwards & Syphers
- Recommended Text:
- An Introduction to Particle Accelerators, E. J. N. Wilson (A good complement to Edwards and Syphers)
- An Introduction to Physics of Particle Accelerators, Conte and MacKay (a more advanced treatment)
- Particle Accelerator Physics, Wiedemann, vol. 1 (Grad level and comprehensive)
Grade Breakdown
Homework will contain problem sets that will be posted on Wednesdays and will be due in a week. Midterm will be on in class. Final exam will be cumulative, and included all topics covered in class. The goal with the presentations is to help you practice with presenting a scholarly work
- You must select a topic by the end of the second week on a paper of your choice relating to an experiment that has been performed at BNL recently
- You will give a 15 minute presentation with 5 minutes of questions
Your class grade will be broken down as follows:
- Homework: 15%
- Midterm: 25%
- Final: 40 %
- Presentations: 20%
Rules Regarding Homework
You may collaborate with your classmates on the homework's if you are contributing to the solution. You must personally write up the solution of all problems. It would be appropriate and honorable to acknowledge your collaborators by mentioning their names. These acknowledgments will not affect your grades.
- Do not forget that simply copying somebody's solutions does not help you and in a long
run we will identify it. If we find two or more identical homeworks, they all will get reduced grades. You may ask more advanced students, other faculty, friends, etc. for help or clues, as long as you personally contribute to the solution.
- You may (and are encouraged to) use the library and all available resources to help solve
the problems. Use of Mathematica, other software tools and spreadsheets are encouraged. Cite your source, if you found the solution somewhere.
- You should return homework before the deadline. Homework returned after the deadline
could be accepted with reduced grading - 15% per day. Otherwise, it will be unfair for your classmates who are doing their job on time. Therefore, you should be on time to keep your grade high
Lecture Notes
- Lecture 1: Overview of Special Relativity
- Lecture 2: Relativistic Mechanics
- Lecture 3: Maxwell Equations, Single Particle Motion, and Resonator Cavity
- Lectures 4 and 5: Pillbox Cavity, Fields, Properties, and Figures of Merit
- Lectures 6 and 7: Phase Stability, Difference Equations
- Lectures 8 and 9: Phase Stability and Longitudinal Emittance
- Lecture 10: Transition Crossing
- Lecture 11:Transverse Stability
- Lecture 12: Transverse Equation of Motion and Closed Form Solution